Atlas Orthogonal

A gentle and precise chiropractic method with no popping or cracking

Atlas Orthogonal is a specialized chiropractic method which uses an instrument to gently realign the vertebrae into proper position that will rebalance the entire spine.

The atlas (C1 vertebre) is the very top vertebrae of the spine.

The name comes from a Greek methodology figure who ‘holds the world on its shoulders.’ The human atlas does in fact hold the entire head on its shoulders. Yet it weighs only about 1 to 2 ounces while your head can weigh 10 to 12 pounds. This bone protects the brain stem and the vertebral artery which brings blood supply from the heart to the skull and brainstem. It is also the start of your entire spine which is like a series of chains. When one is misaligned, it creates a ripple effect down the chain.

When misalignment starts at the atlas, it can have an impact on a wide range of the body’s function and comfort.

This area can be a source of problems like jaw and facial pain, migraines, epilepsy, neck pain, shoulder pain, back pain and more. If the atlas is out of alignment it can put pressure in the area resulting in neurovascular compression. When this happens, blood vessels are compromised reducing the amount of blood flow to the brain stem which controls digestion, absorption, elimination, eye function and sensory organs inside the head as well as cognition or mental function.

What are symptoms of misaligned atlas?

Symptoms and Related Conditions:

  • Headache

  • Migraine

  • Neck pain

  • Dizziness and vertigo

  • Pain tingling and numbness down the arms

  • Neck pain

  • Mid-back pain

  • Pain between the shoulder blades

  • Trigeminal neuralgia

  • Traumatic brain injury – TBI

  • Meniere’s Disease

  • Concussion and post concussion

  • Light headedness

  • Brain fog

  • Depression

  • Balance

  • Nausea

  • Fainting

  • Sleep loss

Because the atlas is vital in our every day function, manipulating its position must be done by a very delicate and precise method.

X-rays and 3 dimensional analysis will determine exactly how the atlas is displaced specifically for each unique patient. Following the diagnosis a specific treatment protocol is developed along with the use of physics, math, and spinal biomechanics. Dr. Clark can then make an atlas correction by using the atlas orthogonal percussion instrument to gently bring your atlas back into neutral or orthogonal position without any forceful jerking or twisting movements.

The instrument used provides specific, low force movement to a very precise area, based on an individual’s alignment. Patients may not even feel an adjustment until after they realize their movement has improved and their pain has lessened.

The objective is to square the top vertebrae (Atlas) in relation to the head and neck. If the head is not aligned, then the spine can’t be either. By adjusting the subluxated (misaligned) Atlas into the normal position, you’ll feel relief in your back, shoulders, pelvis, hips, knees, and ankle. The technique is gentle enough that you might not believe an adjustment has taken place until you notice the improved function and discomfort has been relieved.

There is no guess work in these treatments

An important post adjustment step is analyzing the post x-rays which are taken immediately after the initial treatment. The post 3D x-rays are analyzed to verify that the best possible correction was rendered.

Dr. Clark can show the comparison of before and after x-rays. They are an illustration of the exact change that has taken place because of the Atlas Orthogonal correction.

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